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Messages - jardo

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5. ročník / Re: KaSM
« on: 14.12.2011, 04:58:23 »
sak PC16 v pc centre :D

on ale myslel, ze presne ktora miestnost to je, ci su tam kompy alebo nie

5. ročník / Re: Paralelne programovanie
« on: 10.12.2011, 05:33:24 »
ale ved zapocet je 40 bodov nie?

5. ročník / Re: Paralelne programovanie
« on: 09.12.2011, 23:10:25 »
nikto este nema od klimeka?

no ja este nemam

5. ročník / Re: Paralelné po?íta?ové systémy
« on: 07.12.2011, 19:19:32 »
kde na moodli nájdem to posledné cviko? ja som na ňom nebol kvôli tej kolike, čo ma zlomila, tak ani neviem o čo ide... a v utorok mám písať (náhradný termín)..

4. prednaska tusim

5. ročník / Re: Paralelne programovanie
« on: 02.12.2011, 04:15:52 »
bol niekto na prednaske? co bolo?

ma niekto mail na klimeka, lebo spominal nejaky mail na serveri cnl


5. ročník / Re: Paralelné po?íta?ové systémy
« on: 30.11.2011, 05:08:23 »

1.uloha: mal si ILP s 8 instrukciami a mal si tu tabulku spravit, bernsteinove podmienky a vypocitat zrychlenie.

pri tej tabulke, trebalo aj preusporiadat tie instrukcie co najoptimalnesjie alebo len vypocitt zrychlenie?

5. ročník / Re: Paralelne programovanie
« on: 23.11.2011, 05:31:16 »
zadania 6 a 7 sa odovzdavaju az dalsi tyzden?

5. ročník / Re: KaSM
« on: 23.11.2011, 03:00:55 »
ako zistim ze ci som uspel alebo nie?

Code: [Select]
The customer has tested the system carefully. Paul Koenig gives you a final statement about the project and the quality of the sofware produced. Delivery of the system was planned for 2012/07/08/08:00. The actual delivery was at 2012/07/20/08:00. This is a deviation of 12 days. The customer is not completely satisfied with the delivery date. Delivery took place 12 days too late. The customer had a number of disadvantages due to the late introduction of the new system. The actual costs for developing the system amounts to 251020.0 EUR. The planned costs amounted to 225000.0 EUR. This is a deviation of 26020.0 EUR. So, you exceeded the budget by 26020.0 EUR. Don't think that I am going to pay for your bad performance in the project. The functionality requested by the customer amounted to 200.88 Adjusted Function Points. The customer has found 196.88 Adjusted Function Points in the system. The code contains 9648 lines of code. The customer is very satisfied with the completeness of the code. The code contains 98.0092 percent of the functionality required by the customer. The customers requirements for the system were that it does not contain more than 12.0 errors per thousand lines of code. The actual delivered system contains 8.6 errors per thousand lines of code. The correctness of the system is excellent. The system contains 8.6 errors per thousand lines of code. These are 3.4 less than originally required by the customer. The customer has also asked for user documentation. The user manual comprises 257 pages. The user manual should cover 200.88 Adjusted Function Points, in fact, it describes a functionality that equals 194.44 Adjusted Function Points. The completeness of the user manual is excellent. 96.7953 of the required functionality is described in the manual. The correctness of the user manual required by the customer is 0.5 errors per page. The customer has found 0.2 errors per page. The correctness of the user manual is very good (0.2 per page). The user manual contains 0.3 errors per page less than specified. The customer rejects the product because you exceeded the budget to much. He is very upset. The project was stopped after 291 development days. The total effort for the system development reached 19.45 man months. The amount of the costs thereby incurred is 251020.0 EUR. The document Specification consists of 88 pages. It contains 198.2 AFP. Thereby 98.67 percent of the customer requirements are covered. The Specification still contains 49 errors. This is an average of 0.56 errors per page. The document Systemdesign consists of 86 pages. It contains 195.5 AFP. Thereby 97.32 percent of the customer requirements are covered. The Systemdesign still contains 63 errors. This is an average of 0.73 errors per page. The document Moduledesign consists of 127 pages. It contains 192.12 AFP. Thereby 95.64 percent of the customer requirements are covered. The Moduledesign still contains 100 errors. This is an average of 0.79 errors per page. The delivered code consists of 9648 lines of code. It contains 196.88 AFP. This means 98.01 percent of the system requirements are fullfilled. The code still contains 31 errors resulting from analysis, 10 errors resulting from system design, 13 errors resulting from module design and 29 errors resulting from implementation. This means 8.6 errors per 1000 lines of code. The document Manuals consists of 257 pages. It contains 194.44 AFP. Thereby 96.8 percent of the customer requirements are covered. The Manuals still contains 51 errors. This is an average of 0.2 errors per page. The effort distribution among the particular phases of the software development process is as follows: analysis and specification required 1.16 man months, for system design there were 4.63 man months needed, the implementation required 4.95 man months, the test 6.48 man months and the system documentation 2.22 man months. The reviews required an effort of 1.89 man months, the tests required 2.24 man months, the correction after review required 1.32 man months and the correction after test 4.24 man months. To develop the system you invested a total effort of 19.45 MM. In total you spent 12906.7 EUR per MM. The effort was distributed among the different development phases as follows: specification phase: 6.0 percent, design phase: 23.8 percent, coding phase: 25.5 percent, testing phase: 33.3 percent and documentation phase: 11.4 percent of total effort. Given the objectives as 100 percent and positive deviations (i.e. in case you performed better than required) with values greater than 100 and negative deviations with values less 100, respectively, compared to the customers's objectives you performed as follows: achievement of budget: 88.44 percent, achievement of deadline: 95.7 percent, achievement of functionality (compared to the objectives): 102.53 percent, achievement of functionality (compared to total functionality): 97.29 percent, achievement of quality (correctness): 144.31 percent. The customer has applied his scoring system to evaluate software systems delivered by external software houses. You have got 678 points for your project. You can reach a maximum of 1200 points. The simulation is finished. Please try again and start a new simulation. The simulation is finished. Please try again and start a new simulation.

 The customer rejects the product, takze nie

5. ročník / Re: BvPS
« on: 15.11.2011, 17:28:38 »

Dobry den,

Ste uz asi 7 student , ktory mi pise , a preto Vas poprosim dajte vediet
aj kolegom, ktory sa tak ako vy nezucastnili tento tyzden na cviceniach a
nevedia pokyny, ze mozu zadanie odovzdat dnes (15.11.) 12.20-13.30 v PC3 alebo potom
buduci tyzden.

to je od koho mail?

5. ročník / Re: Paralelne programovanie
« on: 07.11.2011, 18:48:09 »
ako su rozdelene vlastne body na zapocet?

5. ročník / Re: Paralelne programovanie
« on: 31.10.2011, 21:36:09 »
kedy sa odovzdavaju dlasie zadania, a ktore to vlastne maju byt?

5. ročník / Re: Paralelné po?íta?ové systémy
« on: 25.10.2011, 02:25:42 »
do kedy treba poslat referat?

referat treba odovzdt tusim do 8. novembra

5. ročník / Re: KaSM
« on: 21.10.2011, 23:30:22 »
SystemDesign a ModuleDesign sa da robit paralelne, ale musi to robit kazde iny clovek v takom pripade. Jeden clovek vie robit naraz iba jednu vec v konkretnom case, jedinou vynimkou je review (akakolvek), tu vie robit aj popri inej praci.

no to viem ze len review sa da rbit s inymi ulohami, len som myslel ci na seba ttie dve ulohy nenadvezujej, ale ked sa daju robit sucasne tak asi nie

5. ročník / Re: KaSM
« on: 21.10.2011, 20:34:34 »
Suvisi to spolu tym, ze tie fazy nasleduju po sebe, robit ich ale mozu aj dvaja rozni zamestnanci.

ale nemozu ich robit naraz?

niekedy ti napise ze moze este nieco ine robit okrem svojej aktualnej prace ... no zavisi to od toho co robi ... treba skusat

myslel som to tak, ze tieto dve ulohy (system design a  modul design) ci sa daju robit naraz paralelne

5. ročník / Re: KaSM
« on: 21.10.2011, 17:22:44 »
Ak je minimalne 50% System designu hotovych da sa zacat s Modul Design, avsak neopravne chyby v System designe sposobia chyby v Modul designe.

a kde sa da pozriet kolko percent ma s toho designu hotoveho alebo kolko kodu uz ma hotoveho

a este jedna otazocka, ked si jednotlive ulohy pozries tak ti ukaze na kolko percent splnaju pozadovanu funkcionlitu, kazda uloha by mala splnat 100 percent, alebo by mala splnat len urcitu cast a 100 percent je funkcionalita cleeho produktu

5. ročník / Re: KaSM
« on: 21.10.2011, 00:47:01 »
Suvisi to spolu tym, ze tie fazy nasleduju po sebe, robit ich ale mozu aj dvaja rozni zamestnanci.

ale nemozu ich robit naraz?

5. ročník / Re: KaSM
« on: 20.10.2011, 21:37:11 »
ten modul design a system design spolu suvisia, alebo to mozu robit sucasne dvaja odlisny ludia?

5. ročník / Re: Paralelne programovanie
« on: 18.10.2011, 15:29:24 »
spustit cmd ako admin, spmd.exe -install a spmd.exe -start, mozno aj -phrase ..no a uz iba zrobit zadania  :trestac:

sak ked som prihlaseny ako admin a pustim cmd, tak ho pustam jak admin nie?

5. ročník / Re: Paralelne programovanie
« on: 17.10.2011, 17:49:31 »
ok kompilacia mi uz ide, ale po vybrati mojho exe-cka a stlaceni Execute v MPI mi vypise "Error: No smpd passphrase specified through the registry or .smpd file, exiting." ..tebe to ide? cize ti po spusteni vypise tie hodnoty min, max, atd..?
Neviem ci ti to uz ide alebo nie ale na to aby ti to slo spustit cez wmpiexec.exe, potrebujes spustit este predtym wmpiregister.exe s admin pravami a zadaj tam meno a heslo tvojho admin uctu na pocitaci .

no jak rozbehali ste to, lebo ja tiez som sa cez kompilaciu dostal, ale ked zaregistrujem svoj admin ucet tak sa nic nedeje

5. ročník / Re: Paralelne programovanie
« on: 13.10.2011, 17:34:24 »
serem na visualko zatial

ok kompilacia mi uz ide, ...
ako si to spojazdnil?

skompiloval som to v Dev-C++ .. vytvoril som "MPI aplication" projekt ..potom som zmenil v project options -> Parameters -> Linker -> z C:/Program Files/MPICH2/lib/mpi.lib na C:/Program Files (x86)/MPICH2/lib/mpi.lib ..pretoze tam mi MPICH nainstalovalo

no ja to mam zmenene a stale mi pri kazdom projekte vypisuje tieto chyby

  [Linker error] undefined reference to `MPI_Init'
  [Linker error] undefined reference to `MPI_Comm_size'
  [Linker error] undefined reference to `MPI_Comm_rank'
  [Linker error] undefined reference to `MPI_Comm_rank'
  ld returned 1 exit status
 C:\Users\Jaroslav Gall\Documents\projekty\Makefile.win [Build Error]  [Project1.exe] Error 1

5. ročník / Re: KaSM
« on: 10.10.2011, 18:14:29 »
no na moodli je uz client, ale su tri. Preco? treba instalovat vsetky alebo nie?

O ničom / Re: kniznica
« on: 08.10.2011, 18:51:10 »
tak co ma nekto nejake info?

O ničom / Re: kniznica
« on: 06.10.2011, 20:36:27 »
este mam jednu otazku, mozno trocha smiesnu, kedze uz tu studujem par rokov, ale este nikdy som nevyuzil studovnu. Tak ako sa vyuziva, cez net si musim registrovat knizku a potom ist do kniznice a pytat ju tam od tety na prestudovanie alebo si ju mam najst?
Aky je postup?


5. ročník / Re: BvPS
« on: 06.10.2011, 17:46:11 »
su na prednaskach prezencky? alebo bude za ne davat body

5. ročník / Re: latex sablona dp
« on: 05.10.2011, 20:41:08 »
to je sice pekne, ale mna zaujima, ci sa niekde nachadza aktualna oficialna sablona

ja som pocul, ze na aktualnej sablone v latexu sa pracuje

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